Why We Support Child’s Voice

Dundee Township LionsMike Buhrmann

President of the Dundee Township Lions Club

The Dundee Township Lions Club has been a donor to Child’s Voice for several years. I could see right away that the school was an institution we should support. I have also been personally affected, as my grandson is a “graduate” of Child’s Voice. As a recipient of two cochlear implants before the age of three, he needed this school if he was going to transition to a community school near his home. He is now a bright, excited sixth grader at Dundee Middle School who loves drawing and art, Legos, Harry Potter, and super heroes!

As a club, we have been privileged to tour this excellent school to see how these young students grow and thrive with their cochlear implants through the dedication and attention of caring staff. We know that this is the kind of facility that needs our continued support as well as other Lions Clubs’ support.

If you ever have the opportunity to visit Child’s Voice, please check out the large photo of students and teachers that is in their lobby. Sitting on the ground in the front row is a smiling, blond haired four-year-old little boy – my grandson Bobby. He is smiling because he loved this school. We smile because Child’s Voice did so much to prepare him, and made the road so much smoother, for Bobby to attend his neighborhood school.