Getting Ready For The Mainstream
The School Program, located at our Wood Dale site, is certified by the Illinois State board of Education. We offer a busy, full-day program for children ages 3-8 years old. Students move between small and large group classrooms and focus on literacy, vocabulary, math, and social sciences as well as social-emotional learning and self advocacy.

A Safe, Respectful, Responsible Environment
Our students develop appropriate behavior and social/emotional skills through the Positive Behavior Intervention & Supports (PBIS) Program. PBIS offers universal behavior reinforcement focused on positive feedback.

How our garden grows
Our edible, sensory, and butterfly gardens are part of our STREAMM (Science, Technology, Reading, Engineering, Art, Math, and Music) program. Thanks to the Whole Kids Foundation and many family volunteers for helping our gardens thrive!

Child's Voice Bullying Policy
Illinois School Code requires that all public, private, and charter schools create and implement policies concerning bullying prevention.
How Has Deaf Education Changed?
Due to vast improvements in audiology, hearing-device technology, and speech therapy, today looks very different from how children with hearing loss were taught 50 years ago. Hear from a Child’s Voice teacher who has witnessed these changes, learn about a device that counts the number of words, a child says, and read about pediatric audiology.
From A Parent’s Point Of View
“When we first learned about Eloise’s diagnosis, we were lost. We never knew a deaf person and didn’t know what the future would look like for her or us. But we did our research on schools in the area for deaf kiddos, and we talked to our team of specialists and supporters and everyone had great things to say about Child’s Voice. With so many unknowns on our journey, the one thing we did know was that Child’s Voice was the place for us.”