Words From Wendy: Celebrating Each Child’s Unique Gifts

by Wendy Deters, Executive Director

As the year winds down and the holiday season fills our hearts, we at Child’s Voice reflect on what truly makes this time of year special: togetherness. The warmth of shared moments, the joy of seeing every child’s unique gifts celebrated, and the magic of treating children and families with equity is what brings our community closer.

This season, we’re reminded that the spirit of equity doesn’t just happen during the holidays, it’s something we live and breathe every day. At Child’s Voice, equity means ensuring every child with hearing loss feels heard, supported, and valued. It’s about building an environment where our students thrive not just academically but emotionally and socially, too. We strive to recognize and give each child and family what they need to succeed.

Together, as a community of families, staff, and supporters, we create opportunities for children with hearing loss to find their voice and build connections. Communication is at the core of everything we do. We believe that all children can harness the power of communication, and even though that may look different for each individual child, Child’s Voice is here to do the absolute best we can for each family and child we work with.

As we move into a new year, let us continue to celebrate the beauty of our differences and the strength of our togetherness. Each of you plays an important role in fostering a world where every child has a voice.

Thank you for being part of this journey at Child’s Voice with us. Your support fuels our mission and lights the path for countless children and families.

Wishing you a holiday season filled with love, joy, and togetherness.
