Repetition, Repetition, Repetition
Last month, we talked about one of our favorite authors, Mr. Eric. (Read February’s post here.)
A key piece of Mr. Eric’s books is the repetition in the stories, which is a great learning tool!
Here are just a few highlights of his visit!
A recent article in the Journal Gazette in Fort Wayne, Ind. (full article here), shared results of a report on reading.
A quote from that article, “It’s so important to start reading from Day One,” she (Liza Baker, the executive editorial director at Scholastic) says. “The sound of your voice, the lyrical quality of the younger (books) are poetic … It’s magical, even at 8 weeks old they focus momentarily, they’re closer to your heart.”
As they begin to grow, families should make sure books are available everywhere in the home, like it’s your “daily bread.” But it shouldn’t end when kids begin to read on their own. “As they become independent readers, we tend to let them go, but even kids in older demographics love nothing more than that time with their parents,” Baker says. “We’re blown away that kids time and again said the most special time they recall spending with a parent is reading together.”
At Child’s Voice, we continue to encourage reading every single day. Everyone is busy with activities, family, work and more, but taking the time to read to your child each day has a lifelong impact. Happy Reading!