by Carrie Jackiewicz, Special Services Coordinator
This fall, I sent a survey to all of our alumni who are in college and the workforce. Our goal was to learn about where our alumni go to college, what they major in at college, and what accommodations they use. I am excited to share some of the results about the accommodations our alumni use in college.
Of the 24 alumni who responded to the survey, 82% of them reported that they used accommodations. Of the 18% who did not use accommodations, they shared that they knew the accommodations were available, but they did not feel they needed them.
More than half of the alumni reported using closed captions, note-takers, and preferential seating in their college classrooms.
74% of the alumni reported using closed captions on media presented during class.
63% of the alumni used a note-taker to ensure they had access to everything that was said during class.
59% of the students used preferential seating, where they sat close to the front of the classroom or close to the instructor.
Less than half of the alumni reported using remote microphones, CART (closed captions in real time), and extra time on exams in their college classrooms.
42% of the students used a remote microphone, which helps to increase volume of the instructor’s voice over background noise in the room.
26% of the students used CART, which involves someone typing what is said during class in real time.
5% of the alumni reported having an accommodation of extra time when they took exams.
These results tell us that our alumni know what accommodations help them succeed and they are comfortable asking for them. This is proof that Child’s Voice is fulfilling its mission to empower our students to be successful in all educational and vocational settings. I look forward to sharing more results from our survey with you soon.
If you are a Child’s Voice graduate and have not taken the survey, please click here.