Healthy & Happy This Season

Winter Fun at Child's VoiceHaving the children home for the next two weeks should be filled with fun activities to occupy their days. Now let’s not forget to fill their plates with healthy choices. I just read this article from the American Heart Association and plan to try my best to adhere to their suggestions

Let’s stay cold and flu free this winter break! I’m already looking forward to all our student’s returning on January 9th!



I love the holidays. I love decorating for them, the traditions and of course all the time with family.  One of the best parts of the holidays is of course, the delicious foods! But, we don’t want to all ditch our healthy living when we’re busy this season.

Here is an article that I found with wonderful tips for being heart-healthy during my favorite time of year!  Click here for the full article.  (Healthy highlights taken from the American Heart Association: “Seasonal, Heart-Healthy Holiday Foods” article, published November 7, 2016.)

One tip shared, decorate your dinner plate as you would for the holidays – with lots of colors! Half of your meals should be fruits & veggies, the other half should be split between whole grains and healthy proteins.

Another tip shared was five foods to try to include in your meals. These are:

  • Sweet potatoes – lots of antioxidants, vitamin C and beta carotene! And delicious too.
  • Brussel sprouts – low calorie with a high fiber punch and lots of vitamin C and folic acid.
  • Apples – they decrease LDL (bad) cholesterol and are one of my favorites!
  • Nuts – Although high in calories (so enjoy in moderation) nuts are a good choice for healthy fats.
  • Salmon – contains omega-3 fatty acids which lowers risk of heart disease.

Please have a warm, healthy, wealthy and wise holiday!  See you in the New Year!

Warmest regards,

Dr. Michele